Tong Shijun is the head of the division of International Communications of Thoughts and Cultures. He is Professor in Philosophy Department and Doctorial Advisor in History Department at ECNU. His major publication are: (1)Epistemology and Methodology in the Post-Hegelian European Philosophy of 19th Century, Bergen, 1996; (2) Zhao Xiuyi, Tong Shijun: Western Philosophies in the times of Marx and Engle 马克思恩格斯同时代的西方哲学; (3) The Dialectics of Modernization: Habermas and the Chinese Discourse of Modernization, Wild Peony Pty Ltd, Sydney, 2000; (4) Philosophy Beyond Borders: Collected Works of Norway Philosophy, Zhejiang People Publishing House, Hangzhou, 1999. ( one of editors -in -chief for the English version and translator-in-chief for the Chinese version); (4) J. Habermas: Faktizit?t und Geltung, Sanlian Bookstore, Beijing, 2003. ( translator for the Chinese version).
Tong Shijun is the head of the division of International Communications of Thoughts and Cultures. He is Professor in Philosophy Department and Doctorial Advisor in History Department at ECNU. His major publication are: (1)Epistemology and Methodology in the Post-Hegelian European Philosophy of 19th Century, Bergen, 1996; (2) Zhao Xiuyi, Tong Shijun: Western Philosophies in the times of Marx and Engle 马克思恩格斯同时代的西方哲学; (3) The Dialectics of Modernization: Habermas and the Chinese Discourse of Modernization, Wild Peony Pty Ltd, Sydney, 2000; (4) Philosophy Beyond Borders: Collected Works of Norway Philosophy, Zhejiang People Publishing House, Hangzhou, 1999. ( one of editors -in -chief for the English version and translator-in-chief for the Chinese version); (4) J. Habermas: Faktizit?t und Geltung, Sanlian Bookstore, Beijing, 2003. ( translator for the Chinese version).