·页码:456 页
Reflection on the Enlightenment and Its Legacy
钱永祥 启蒙议题的转化:多元论与普遍主义
Sechin Y.S. Chien Recomposing Enlightenment Theses: Pluralism and Universalism
刘 擎 启蒙哲学与“洞穴”政治
Liu Qing Enlightenment Philosophy and the “Cave” Politics
许纪霖 启蒙如何虽死犹生?
Xu Jilin Why Does the Enlightenment Live on in Spirit?
高全喜 从苏格兰启蒙的视角来看中国五四以降启蒙的意义
Gao Quanxi The Chinese Enlightenment since the May Fourth: A Reflection from the Perspective of the Scottish Enlightenment
何包钢 超越多元的意识形态
He Baogang Beyond Ideologies
季卫东 反思启蒙与法学共同体的构建
Ji Weidong Reflection on Enlightenment and the Construction of the Law Community
崇 明 启蒙、革命与自由
Chong Ming Enlightenment, Revolution and Liberty
王 利 重新理解启蒙:以政治建国为主轴的理论整合
Wang Li Rethinking Enlightenment: Theoretical Integration focusing on State-building
刘文瑾 启蒙与现代主体的焦虑
Liu Wenjin Enlightenment and the Anxiety of the Modern Subject
波考克 政治思想史:一种方法论的探究
J. G. A. Pocock The History of Political Thought: A Methodological Enquiry
约翰•邓恩 观念史的特性
John Dunn The Identity of the History of Ideas
昆廷•斯金纳 文化词典之观念
Quentin Skinner The Idea of a Cultural Lexicon
主持:刘 擎
刘拥华 身体、权力与合法化——布迪厄社会理论的内在逻辑
Liu Yonghua Body, Power and Legitimation: The Logic of Bourdieu’s Social Theory
刘文瑾 困难的自由:列维纳斯论“希伯来人文主义”
Liu Wenjin Difficult liberty: Levinas on “Hebrew Humanity”
周尚君 韦伯论技术政治及其现代性
Zhou Shangjun Max Weber on Technological Politics and Modernity
余玥 依据形而上学之本质而做的杜伊诺哀歌阐释:哀歌第一作为对近代哲学“人是什么”问题的回答
Yu Yue Interpretation on Rilke’s Duineser Elegien according to the essence of metaphysics: The first elegy as the answer to the question “what is human being” in the modern philosophies
王汎森 “主义”与“学问”:一九二○年代中国思想界的分裂
Wang Fengsen “Ism” and “Scholarship”: The Split of the Chinese Intelligentsia in 1920s
许纪霖 五四:一场世界主义情怀的公民运动
Xu Jilin The May Fourth: A Citizen Movement Inspired by Cosmopolitism
杨芳燕 道德、正当性与近代国家:五四前后陈独秀的思想转变及其意涵
Yang Fangyan Morality, Legitimacy and Modern State: The Change in Chen Duxiu’s Thoughts in the May Fourth and its Implications
◎ 文化研究:鲁迅研究专辑
张慧瑜 “被看”的“看”与“国民”的形成——再谈鲁迅的“幻灯片事件”
Zhang Huiyu “Gazing” “the Gazed” and the Formation of the Citizen: On Lu Xun’s “Lantern Slide Incident”
朱康 “人道”的“文化偏至”:鲁迅论从“人”到“个人”的观念变化
Zhu Kang Humanism and Cultural Prejudice: Lu Xun on the Conceptual Change from “Human” to “Individual”
中岛隆博 紊乱的声调:鲁迅与克尔凯戈尔
Takahiro Nakajima Out of Tune: Lu Xun and Kierkegaard
夏可君 鲁迅:虚无之光
Xia Kejun Lu Xun: The Light of Nihil
张历君 可技术复制时代的传统技艺——论《故事新编》的说故事技巧
Zhang Lijun Traditional Art in the Age of Technological Reproduction: On the Narrative Technique of New Stories
◎ 学术通信
许纪霖、刘擎、崇明、王利 自由、文明与帝国
Xu Jilin, Liu Qing, Chong Ming and Wang Li Liberalism, Civilization and Empire