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—— TheInterpretation of Cultures: Selected Essays. New York: Basic Books, Inc.1973.
—— "AntiAnti-Relativism", 1984., American Anthropologist, 1986(2):263-278.
—— LocalKnowledge: Further Essays in Interpretive Anthropology. New York: Basic Books,Inc. 1983.
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—— Works andLives: The Anthropologist as Author. Stanford University Press. 1988.
—— After theFact: Two Countries, Four Decades, One Anthropologist. Harvard University Press.1995.
—— The Visit,The New York Review of Books, October 18, 2001.
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(4)George E.Marcus and Michael M. J. Fischer (ed.), Anthropology as Cultural Critique: AnExperimental Moment in The Human Sciences. Chicago: The University of ChicagoPress, 1986. 17-44.
(5) RogerKeesing, "Anthropology as Interpretive Quest", Current Anthropology, Vol. 28,No.2, April 1987:161-177
(6)LynnHunt(ed.), The New Cultural History. The Regents of the University of Californiapress, 1989.
(7) Paul Rabinowand W. M. Sulivan, (ed.), Interpretative Social Science. Berkeley: University ofCalifornia Press.
(8) JamesPeacock, "The Third Stream: Weber, Parsons, and Geertz." Journal of theAnthropological Society of Oxford, 7, 1981: 122-129.
(9)Shankman,Paul, "The Thick and the Thin: On the Interpretive Theoretical Program ofClifford Geertz." Current Anthropology, Vol. 25, No.3, June1984:261-278.
(10) Ronald G.Walters, "Signs of The Times: Cliford Geertz and the Historian." SocialResearch, 47,1980: 537-556.


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