1) 以下所列条目对照七卷本德文标准版《本雅明作品全集》(Gesammelte Schriften [GS] , Rolf Tiedermann与Hermann Schweppenhaeuser编, Frankfurt: Suhrkamp Verlag, 1972-1989)、《本雅明书信全集》(Gesammelte Briefe [GB])和美国五卷本英译《本雅明作品选》(Walter Benjamin: Selected Writings, Michael Jennings, Howard Eiland, 及 Gary Smith编, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1999-2005)选出,包括除《德国悼亡剧的源流》(Ursprung des deutschen Trauerspiel)和《拱廊街计划》(Das Passagen-Werk)之外的主要作品。
2) 考虑到绝大多数国内读者可以使用英文文献,本雅明作品题目的中译后附英文翻译而非德文原文。
3) 作品题目后附带下列信息:写作年份(如1913, 1928等);原始出版或发表处及年份(如Verlag von A. Francke, 1920; Die literarische Welt, December 1927等)或注明“生前未刊行”;以及全集标准版卷数及起止页码 (如GS IV, 454,GS II 310-24,等)。
论经验 Experience, 1913, Der Anfang, 1913-14
关于青年的形而上思考The Metaphysics of Youth, 1914, 生前未刊行
学生生活The Life of Students,” Der neue Merkur, 1915
悼亡剧与悲剧Trauerspiel and Tragedy,” 1916, 未刊行
语言在悼亡剧和悲剧中的作用The Role of Language in Trauerspiel and Tragedy,” 1916, 未刊行
论本质语言与人的语言On Language as Such and on the Language of Man,” 1916, 未刊行
同一性问题论纲Theses on the Problem of Identity,” 1916, 未刊行
陀斯妥耶夫斯基的《白痴》Dostoevsky’s The Idiot”, 1917; Die Argonauten, 1921
油画,或符号与记号Painting, or Signs and Marks,” 1917, 未刊行
论感知On Perception,” 1917, 未刊行
对贡朵夫《歌德》一书所作的评论Comments on Gundolf’s Goethe,” 1917, 未刊行
未来哲学的纲领On the Program of the Coming Philosophy,” 1918, 未刊行
德国浪漫派的批评概念(博士论文)The Concept of Criticism in German Romanticism,” 1919, published by Verlag von A. Francke, 1920
命运与性格Fate and Character,” 1919, published in Die Argonauten, 1921
批评的理论The Theory of Criticism,” 1919-20, 未刊行
审美诸范畴Categories of Aesthetics,” 1919-20, 未刊行
论相似性On Semblance,” 1919-20, 未刊行
世界与时间World and Time,” 1919-20, 未刊行
论爱以及同它相关的事物On Love and Related Matters” (A European Problem), 1920, 未刊行
使用武力的权力The Right to Use Force,” 1920, 未刊行
艺术对后世发生影响的媒介The Medium through Which Works of Art Continue to Influence Later Ages,” 1920, 未刊行
暴力批判Critique of Violence,” 1921, in Archiv fuer Sozialwissenschaft und Sozialpolitik, 1921
译作者的使命The Task of the Translator,” 19212, in Charles Baudelaire, “Tableaux parisiens”: Deutsche Uebertragung mit einem Vorwort ueber die Aufgaber des Uebersetzers, von Walter Benjamin
论想象Imagination, 1920-21, 未刊行
时间在道德世界中的意义The Meaning of Time in the Moral Universe, 1921, unpublished
资本主义与宗教Capitalism and Religion, 1921, 未刊行
论歌德的《亲和力》Goethe’s Elective Affinities, 1921-22, Neue Deutsche Beitraege, 1924-25.
论卡尔德隆的《嫉妒,最大的怪兽》与黑贝尔的《黑罗德斯与玛丽安妮》Calderon’s El Mayor Monstruo, Los Celos, and Hebbel’s Herodes und Mariamne,” 1923, 未刊行
被人遗忘的老小人书Old Forgotten Children’s Books, 1924, Illustrierte Zeitung, 1924
那不勒斯Naples, 1925, Frankfurter Zeitung, 1925
小人书世界一瞥A Glimpse into the World of Children’s Books, 1926, Die literarische Welt, 1926
单行街One-Way Street, 1923-26, 未刊行
**以上篇目均选自GS VI: Fragmente vermischten Inhalts, Autobiographische Schriften**
梦幻的媚俗—超现实主义概览Dream Kitsch—Gloss on Surrealism, 1925, Die neue Rundeschau, January 1927, GS II 620-22
俄国作家的政治团体The Political Groupings of Russian Writers, Die literarische Welt, March 1927, GS II 743-47
论俄国电影现状On the Present Situation of Russian Film, Die literarische Welt, March 1927, GS II 747-51
莫斯科Moscow, Die Kreatur, 1927, GS VI 316-48
评格拉德科夫的《水泥》Review of Gladkov’s Cement, Die literarische Welt, June 1927, GS III 61-63
新闻业Journalism, Die literarische Welt, Die literarische Welt, June 1927, GS IV, 454
戈特弗里德-凯勒:为其全集考证版出版而作Gottfried Keller—In Honor of a Critical Edition of His Works, Die literarische Welt, August 1927, GS II 283-95
评黑塞尔的《不为人知的柏林》Review of Hesel’s Heimliches Berlin [Unknown Berlin], Die literarische Welt, December 1927, GS III 82-84
色情业的垄断状态A State of Monopoly on Pornography, Die literarische Welt, December 1927, GS IV 456-58
安德烈-纪德与德国Andre Gide and Germany, Deutsche allgemeine Zeitung, January 1928, GS IV 497-502
我对印度大麻第二次感受的若干要点Main Features of My Second Impression on Hashish—Written January 15, 1928, at 3:30pm, unpublished, GS VI 560-66
与安德烈-纪德的对话Conversation with Andre Gide, Die literarische Welt, February 1928, GS IV 502-509
老玩具Old Toys—The Toy Exhibition at the Maerkisches Museum, Frankfurter Zeitung, March 1928, GS IV 511-15
评胡戈-冯-霍夫曼斯塔尔的《塔》Hugo von Hofmannsthal’s Der Turm, Die literarische Welt, March 1928, GS III, 98-101
月光下的波艾蒂街Moonlit Nights on the Rue La Boetie, Die literarische Welt, March 1928, GS IV 509-11
卡尔-克劳斯读奥芬巴赫Karl Kraus Reads Offenbach, Die literarische Welt, April 1928, GS IV, 515-17
玩具的文化史The Cultural History of Toys, Frankfurter Zeitung, May 1928, GS III 113-17
玩具与游戏:就一部巨著所作的边角札记Toys and Play—Marginal Notes on a Monumental Work [Karl Groeber, Kinderspielzeug aus alter Zeit: Geschichte des Spielzeugs/Children’s Toys from Olden Times: A History of Toys, Berlin: Deutscher Kunstverlag, 1928, 68pp, with 306 b & w illustrations and 12 color plates], Die literarische Welt, June 1928, GS III, 127-32
精神病患者所写的书:出自自己的收藏Books by the Mentally Ill—From My Collection, Die literarische Welt, July 1928, GS IV 615-19
评门德尔松的《人如其书[手迹]》Review of Mendelssohns’ Der Mensch in der Hanschrift [Man in His Handwriting, Leipzig: E.A. Seemann, 1928-30, 100 pp], Die literarische Welt, August 1928, GS III 135-39
食品市场:柏林食品展览会后记Food Fair—Epilogue to the Berlin Food Exhibition, Frankfurter Zeitung, September 1928, GS IV 527-32
女神般的巴黎:由毕贝斯科公主最新小说 所发的幻想Paris as Goddess—Fantasy on the Latest Novel by Princess Bibesco, Die literarische Welt, September 1928, GS III 139-42
成功的途径:十三题The Path to Success, in Thirteen Theses, Frankfurter Zeitung, September 1928, GS IV 349-52
魏玛Weimar, Neue schweizer Rundschau, October 1928, GS IV 353-355
火边的世家故事The Fireside Saga, Die literarische Welt, November 1928, GS III 144-48
花的新闻(为植物摄影艺术而作)News about Flowers, Die literarische Welt, November 1928, GS III 151-53
歌德Goethe, Die literarische Welt, December 1928 [condensed version], GS II 705-39.
卡尔-克劳斯片论Karl Kraus (Fragments), Internationale Revue, December 1928, GS II 624-25
卓别林Chaplin, unpublished, GS VI 137-38
无产阶级儿童剧纲领Program for a Proletarian Children’s Theater, unpublished, GS II 763-69
超现实主义:欧洲知识分子的最后快照Surrealism—The Last Snapshot of the European Intelligentsia, Die literarische Welt, February 1929, GS II 295-310
回顾卓别林Chaplin in Retrospect, Die literarische Welt, February 1929, GS III 157-59
上个世纪的女仆言情小说Chambermaids’ Romances of the Past Century, Das illustrierte Blatt, April 1929, GS IV 620-22
马赛Marseilles, Neue schweizer Rundschau, April 1929, GS IV 359-64
普鲁斯特的形象On the Image of Proust, Die literarische Welt, June-July 1929; revised 1934, GS II 310-24
儿童文学(广播稿)Children’s Literature, Radio talk broadcast by Suedwestdeutschen Rundfunk, August 1929, GS VII 250-57
游荡者的复归--评弗朗兹-黑塞尔的《漫步柏林》The Return of the Flaneur--On Franz Hessel, Spazieren in Berlin, Die literarische Welt, October 1929, GS III 194-99
短影Short Shadows (I), Neue schweizer Rundschau, November 1929, GS IV 368-73
共产主义教育方法A Communist Pedagogy, Die neue Buecherschau, December 1929, GS III 206-209
略论民间艺术Some Remarks on Folk Art, unpublished, 未刊行,GS VI 185-87
文学批评纲要Program for Literary Criticism, 未刊行, GS VI 161-67
赌博理论手记Notes on a Theory of Gambling, 未刊行, GS VI 188-90
小说的危机--评德波林的《柏林亚历山大广场》The Crisis of the Novel [on Alfred Doeblin, Berlin Alexanderplatz: Die Geschichte von Franz Biberkopf, Die Gesellshcaft, 1930, GS III 230-36
局外人的影响--评克拉考尔的《白领工人:来自德国的最新发展》An Outsider Makes His Mark [on S. Kracauer, Die Angestellten: Aus dem neuersten Deutschland, Die Gesellshcaft, 1930, GS III 219-25
对德国法西斯所作的理论思考--评容格尔所编论文集《战争与武士》Theories of German Fascism—On the Collection of Essays War and Warriors, edited by Ernst Juenger, Die Gesellshcaft, 1930, GS III, 238-50
鬼蜮的柏林(广播稿)Demonic Berlin, Radio talk delivered on Berlin Rundfunk, February 1930, GS VII 86-92
印度大麻,始于1930年3月Hashish, Beginning of March 1930, 未刊行, GS VI 587-91
论于连-格林Julien Green, , Neue schweizer Rundschau, April 1930, GS II 328-34
巴黎日记Paris Diary, Die literarische Welt, April-June 1930, GS IV 567-87
评克拉考尔的《白领工人》Review of Kracauer’s Die Angestellten, May 1930, GS III 216-28
食品Food, Frankfurter Zeitung, May 1930, GS IV 374-81
贝尔托特-布莱希特Bert Brecht, Radio talk broadcast by Frankfurter Rundfunk, June 1930, GS II 660-67
拒不作判断的批评之第一种形式The First Form of Criticism That Refuses to Judge, 未刊行, GS VI 17071
从布莱希特评论想到的From the Brecht Commentary, Literaturblatt der Frankfurter Zeitung, July 1930, GS II 506-10
反对一部名著--评考马克斯-考默莱尔的《作为德国古典主义领袖的诗人--克洛普施托克,赫尔德,歌德,席勒,让-保罗,荷尔德林》Against a Masterpiece--On Max Commerell, Der Dichter als Fuehere in der deutschen Klassik: Klopstock, Herder, Goethe, Schiller, Jean Paul, Hoederlin, Die literarische Welt, August 1930, GS III 252-59
米斯洛维奇-布劳恩施维希-马赛:一次印度大麻的迷幻经历Myslovice—Braunschwig—Marseilles: The Story of a Hashish Trance, Uhu, November 1930, GS IV 729-737
出版业批判A Critique of the Publishing Industry, Literaturblatt der Frankfurter Zeitung, 1930, GS II 769-72
新老笔迹学Graphology Old and New, Suewestdeutshce Rundfunkzeitung, November 1930, GS IV 596-98
新生代的特征Characterization of the New Generation, 未刊行,GS VI 167-68
认真对待布尔乔亚写作的中介特性The Need to Take the Mediating Character of Bourgeois Writing Seriously,未刊行,GS 174-75
伪批评False Criticism, 未刊行,GS 175-79
批评是文学史的学科基础 Criticism as the Fundamental Discipline of Literary History, 未刊行,GS VI 173-74
新客体性批判Critique of the New Objectivity, 未刊行,GS VI 179-80
左翼的忧郁Left-Wing Melancholy, Die Gesellschaft, 1933, GS III 279-83
神学批评Theological Criticism, Die neue Rundschau, February 1931, GS III 275-78
卡尔-克劳斯—献给古斯塔夫-格吕克Karl Kraus—Dedicated to Gustav Glueck, Frankfurter Zeitung und Handelsblatt, March 1931, GS II 334-67
文学史与文学研究Literary History and the Study of Literature, Die Literarische Welt, April 1931, GS III 283-90
德语书信选序German Letters, 未刊行,GS IV 945-47
打开我的图书馆Unpacking My Library, Die Literarische Welt, July 1931, GS IV 388-96
弗朗茨-卡夫卡:万里长城建造时Franz Kafka: Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer, 1937年7月广播稿, GS 676-83
摄影小史Little History of Photography, Die literarische Welt, September-October 1931, GS II 368-85
保罗-瓦雷里—为他的六十周岁生日而作Paul Valery, Die literarische Welt, October 1931, GS II 386-90
毁灭性人格The Destructive Character, Die Frankfurter Zeitung, GS IV 396-98
关于无线广播的思考Reflections on Radio, 未刊行,GS II 1506-07
米老鼠Mickey Mouse, 未刊行, GS VI 144-45
唯物主义文学史上几乎所有的例子In Almost Every Example We Have of Materialist Literary History, 未刊行,GS VI 172
批评家的任务The Task of the Critic, 未刊行, GS VI 171-72
论经验Experience, 未刊行,GS VI 88-89
旧信寻踪On the Trail of Old Letters, 未刊行, GS IV 942-44
史诗句中的家庭戏A Family Drama in the Epic Theater, Die literarische Welt, February 1932, GS II 511-14
得天独厚的思考—论泰奥多尔-海克尔的《浮吉尔》Privileged Thinking—On Theodor Haecker’s Virgil
考古挖掘与记忆Excavation and Memory, 未刊行, GS IV 400-401
俄底浦斯,或理性神话Oedipus, or Rational Myth, Blaetter des hessischen Landtheaters, April 1932, GS II 391-95
论成语On Proverbs, 未刊行, GS VI 206-207
戏剧与广播—它们是如何相互控制对方的教育节目的Theater and Radio—The Mutual Control of Their Education Program, 生前未发表, Blaetter des hessischen Landestheaters, May 1932, GS II, 773-76
伊比萨岛漫记Ibizan Sequence, Frankfurter Zeitung, June 1932, GS IV, 402-409
柏林编年纪事—给我亲爱的的施蒂方Berlin Chronicle—For my dear Stefan, 未刊行,GS VI 465-519
西班牙, 1932 Spain, 1932, 未刊行,GS VI 446-64
来自混暗之域的光—评汉斯-里勃施托柯尔的《我们时代之光照耀下的玄秘知识》Light from Obscurantists—Hans Liebstoeckl, Die Geheimwissenschaften im Lichte unserer Zeit, Frankfurter Zeitung, August 1932, GS III 356-60
手帕The Handkerchief, Frankfurter Zeitung, November 1932, GS IV 741-45
在阳光下In the Sun, Koelnische Zeitung, December 1932, GS IV, 417-20
严格的艺术研究—评《艺术研究论文年刊》第一卷The Rigorous Study of Art—On the First Volume of the Kunstwissenschaftlische Forschungen,Literaturblatt der Frankfurter Zeitung, July 1933 (用笔名Detlef Holz发表),GS III 363-69
马赛的印度大麻Hashish in Marseilles, Frankfurter Zeitung, December 1932, GS IV 409-16
灯The Lamp, 未刊行,GS VII 792-94
相似性学说Doctrine of the Similar, 未刊行,GS II 204-10
短影(2)Short Shadows (II), Koelnische Zeitung, February 1933, GS IV 425-28
基尔恺郭尔—哲学唯心论的终结Kierkegaard—The End of Philosophical Idealism, Vorsische Zeitung, April 1933, GS III 380-83
施蒂方-格奥尔格回顾—评一部研究该诗人的新作Stefan Georg in Retrospect, Frankfurter Zeitung, July 1933, GS III 392-99
词与名的反题Antitheses Concerning Word and Name, 未刊行,GS VII 795-96
论模仿的官能On the Mimetic Faculty, 未刊行, GSII 210-13
思想形象Thought Figures, Die literarische Welt, November 1933 (用笔名Detlef Holz发表), GS IV 428-33
经验与贫困Experience and Poverty, Die Welt im Wort(布拉格), December 1933, GS II 213-19
1934 (The Author as Producer)
报纸The Newspaper, Der oeffentliche Dienst(慕尼黑), March 1934, GS II 628-29
法国作家当前的社会处境The Present Social Situation of the French Writer, Zeitschrift fuer Sozialforschung, spring 1934, GS II 776-803
作为生产者的作者—1934年4月27日在巴黎法西斯主义研究所所作的讲演The Author as Producer—Address at the Institute for the Study of Fascism, Paris, April 27, 1934, 未刊行,GS II 683-701
斯文德堡手记,1934年夏Notes from Svendborg, Summer 1934, 未刊行, GS VII 523-32
希特勒消弭了的男子气Hitler’s Diminished Masculinity, 未刊行, GS VI 103-04
弗朗茨-卡夫卡—纪念作者逝世十周年Franz Kafka—On the Tenth Anniversary of His Death, Juedische Rundschau, December 1934, GS II 409-438
布莱希特的《三分钱的小说》Brecht’s Threepenny Novel, 未刊行,GS III 440-49
约翰-雅科布-巴霍芬Johann Jocab Bachofen, 原文为法文,未刊行,GS II 219-33
滨海大道之上的谈话—回忆狂欢节时的尼斯Conversations above the Corso: Recollections of Carnival-Time in Nice, Frankfurter Zeitung, March 1935 (用笔名Detlef Holz发表), GS IV 763-71
巴黎,十九世纪的都城Paris, the Capital of the Nineteenth Century, 未刊行,GS V 45-59
就“巴黎,十九世纪的都城”与阿多诺的通信Exchange with Theodore W. Adorno on the Essay “Paris, the Capital of the Nineteenth Century,” GB V 95-100
语言社会学诸问题:概论Problems in the Sociology of Language: An Overview, 未刊行, Zeitschrift fuer Sozialforschung, summer 1935, GS III 452-80
电影辩证结构的表述公式The Formula in Which the Dialectical Structure of Film Finds Expression, GS I 1040
技术可复制性时代的艺术作品(第二稿)The Work of Art in the Age of Its Technological Reproducibility (2nd version), 未刊行,GS VII 350-84
另一种乌托邦意志A Different Utopian Will, 未刊行,GS VII 665-666
美的相似性的重要意义The Significance of Beautiful Semblance, 未刊行, GS VII 667-68
时代的签名The Signatures of the Age, 未刊行, GS VII 668-69
关于注意力分散的理论思考Theory of Distraction, GS VII 678-79
讲故事的人:就尼古拉-列斯托夫作品所作的思考The Storyteller: Observations on the Works of Nikolai Leskov, Orient und Occident, October 1936, GS II 438-465
德语书信选German Men and Women: A Sequence of Letters, Vita Nova Verlag, November 1936, GS IV 149-233
巴黎书简(2)油画与摄影:Letter from Paris (2): Painting and Photography, 未刊行,GS III 495-507
翻译—支持与反对Translation—For and Against, 未刊行, GS VI 157-60
模仿能力检验自身的最初物质基础The Knowledge That the First Material on Which the Mimetic Faculty Tested Itself, 未刊行, GS VI 127
布莱希特《三分钱的歌剧》评论附录Addendum to the Brecht Commentary: The Threepenny Opera, GS VIII 347-49
爱德华-福克斯,收藏家与历史学家Eduard Fuchs, Collector and Historian, Zeitschrift fuer Sozialforschung, fall 1937, GS II 465-505
神学政治片断Theological-Political Fragment, 未刊行, GS II 203-204
一所致力于独立研究的德国研究所A German Institute for Independent Research, Mass und Werk, May-June 1938, GS III 518-26
对勃洛特《卡发卡传》的看法View of Brod’s Franz Kafa, 未刊行, GS 526-29
就弗朗茨-卡夫卡致盖尔肖姆-肖勒姆书Letter to Gershom Scholem on Franz Kafa, 未刊行,GB VI 105-114
无产阶级不被提及的国度—就布莱希特八部独幕剧首演所作的思考The Land Where the Proletariat May Not Be Mentioned: The Premiere of Eight One-Act Plays by Brecht, Die neue Weltbuehne, June 1938, GS II 514-18
日记选 Diary Entries, 未刊行, GS VI 532-39
1900年前后的柏林童年(定稿及1934年稿) Berlin Childhood around 1900—Final Version & 1934 Version, 未刊行, GS VII 385-433 (1938年定稿); GS IV 245-46, 250, 252-52, 260-63, 264-67, 268-69, 276-78, 280-82, 283-88, 300-302 (1934年稿)
波德莱尔笔下的第二帝国巴黎(包括“波西米亚人”;“游荡者”;“现代性”;以及两篇附录:“论唯物主义方法”和“论趣味”)The Paris of the Second Empire in Baudelaire,未刊行, GS I, 511-604, 1160-61, 1167-69
布朗基Blanqui, 未刊行, GS I 1153-54
研究从思考《恶之花》的影响开始The Study Begins with Some Reflections on the Influence of Les Fleurs du mal, GS I, 1150-52
就“波德莱尔笔下的第二帝国巴黎”同阿多诺的通信Exchange with Theodore W. Adorno on The Paris of the Second Empire in Baudelaire, Briefwechsel, 1928-1940, Suhrkamp Verlag, 1994, 364-86
德国失业编年史—评安娜-西格尔的小说《救济》A Chronicle of Germany’s Unemployed—Anna Seghers’ novel Die Rettung, 删节版发表于Die neue Weltbuehne, May 1938, GS III 530-38
一部关于德国犹太人的小说—评施蒂方-拉克纳的小说《无家可归》A Novel of German Jews—Stefan Lackner’s novel Jan Heimatlos, Die neue Weltbuehne, December 1938, GS III 546-48
评亨尼希斯瓦尔德的《哲学与语言—问题批判与系统》Review of Hoenigswald’s Philosophie und Sprache, 未刊行,GS III 564-69
关于布莱希特的笔记Note on Brecht, 未刊行, GS VI 540
中央公园Central Park, 未刊行, GS I 665-90
就“波德莱尔笔下的第二帝国巴黎”中“游荡者”部分同阿多诺的通信Exchange with Theodor W. Adorno on “The Flaneur” Section of “The Paris of the Second Empire in Baudelaire, Briefwechsel, 1928-1940, 388-407
对布莱希特诗所作的评论Commentary on Poems by Brecht, 部分发表于Schweizer Zeitung am Sonnetag, April 1939, GS II 539-72
技术可复制性时代的艺术作品(第三稿)The Work of Art in the Age of Technological Reproducibility(third version), 未刊行,GS I 471-508
1789年的德国人Germans of 1789, 原文为法文,发表于Europe: Revue mensuelle, July 1939, GS IV 863-80
什么是史诗剧?What Is Epic Theater? Mass und Wert, July-August 1939, GS II 532-39
论波德莱尔的几个母题On Some Motifs in Baudelaire, Zeitschrift fuer Sozialforschung, January 1940, GS I 605-53
论卡尔-约赫曼的《诗的退化》The Regression of Poetry,” by Carl Gustav Jochmann, Zeitschrift fuer Sozialforschung, GS II 572-98
论席尔巴哈On Scheerbach, 原文为法文,未刊行, GS II 630-32
论历史概念On the Concept of History, 未刊行,GS I 691-704
“论历史概念”补遗Paralipomena to “On the Concept of History, 未刊行,GS I 1230-1235
就波德莱尔、格奥尔格和霍夫曼斯塔尔致阿多诺书Letter to Theodor W. Adorno on Baudelaire, George, and Hofmannsthal, Briefwechsel, 1928-1940, 424-434