22 Egon Wietta, Raum, "Ort und Recht", in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 11 April 1953.
23 Karl Heinz Bohrer, Die ?sthetik des Schreckens: Die pessimistische Romantik und Ernst Jüngers Frühwerk (Munich: Hanser, 1978), 293-294.
24 Joachim Schickel, Gespr?che mit Carl Schmitt (Berlin: Merve, 1993), 11.
25 Helmut Quaritsch, Positionen und Begriffe Carl Schmitt, 2nd edn. (Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1998), 12 and 23.
26 Murray Forsyth, "Carl Schmitt: The Concept of the Political", in: Murray Forsyth and Maurice Keens-Soper (eds.), The Political Classics: Green to Dworkin (Oxford: Oxford UP, 1996), 78-99; here 79, and Robert Hepp contribution to the discussion after Ellen Kennedypaper, in: Helmut Quaritsch (ed.), Complexio Oppositorum: über Carl Schmitt (Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1988), 257-258.
27 Schmitt to Mohler, 16 October 1948, in: Carl Schmitt-Briefwechsel mit einem seiner Schüler, ed. Armin Mohler with the cooperation of Irmgard Huhn and Piet Tommissen (Berlin: Akademie, 1995), 35.
28 Jacques Derrida, Politics of Friendship, trans. George Collins (London: Verso, 1997), 107.
29 Ibid.
30 譬如Chantal Mouffe, The Return of the Political (London: Verso, 1993)。
31 一个超出这一研究范围的施米特接收是汉斯·摩根索对"国际关系"中特定的美国主体的发明。就此主体,参见Martti Kosmenniemi, The Gentle Civilizer of Nations: The Rise and Fall of International Law1870-1960 (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2002), 413-509, and William E. Scheuerman, Carl Schmitt:The End of Law (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 1999), 225-251。
32 参见Charles S. Maier, "Consogning the Twentieth Century to History", in: American Historical Review (June 2000), 807-831, and Mary Kaldor, New and Old Wars: Organized Violence in a Global Era (Stanford: Stanford UP, 1999)。
33 A. James Gregor, The Faces of Janus: Maxism and Fascism in the Twentieth Century (New Haven: Yale UP, 2000), 123, 以及特别参见 Alan Ingram, "Alexander Dugin: geopolitics and neofascism in postSoviet Russia", in: Political Geography, Vol.20 (2001), 1029-1051.
34 譬如,在这种阅读方式看来,柏克是一个哲学保守主义者,但就绝大多数情况来说,他是一个政治自由主义者--可资辩护的是,哲学保守主义和浪漫主义共享某种亲和力。与施米特最相像的人是约瑟夫·德·迈斯特,或者至少是施米特1920年代初所邀请的那个迈斯特。我将在第一篇继续探讨这个主题。
35 某种程度上,这解释了施米特和"他的一些站在欧洲内战对立面的游击队后备役队员(譬如卢卡奇和本雅明)之间的亲和力"。这一短语参见Gopal Balakrishnan, "The Age of Identity", in: New Left Review, No.16 (2002), 130-142; here 133. 在此意义上,John P. McCormick业已正确地将其判定为"右派的批判理论家"。参见John P. McCormick, Carl Schmitt's ritique of Liberalism: Against Politics as Technology (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1997)。
36 关于讽刺性和功利性作为自由主义现代性的一些层面,参见Benjamin Constant, "The Spirit of Conquest", in: Political Writings, ed. and trans. Biancamara Fontana (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1997)。
37 施米特常常运用这一很难翻译的德语概念"Geschichtsm?chtigkeit",大致可被译为"形成历史的力量"。